Monday, July 15, 2013

21 Day Challenge

I decided to blog my experience with My Fit Foods 21 day challenge for a few reasons.  In some ways I believe it will help hold me accountable, but also, when I was seeking out real reviews and experiences, I could only find a handful of them.

I am living in Chicago and using the new My Fit Foods in Old Town on North Ave.

As I looked over the menu and reviews, I thought I could just go in and start the challenge.  When I showed up, I was let know I needed an appointment with a nutrition coach to start me off.  I introduced myself to her and she gave me a little knowledge (woman's meals are generally the 'small's and there is breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks) but set me up with an appointment for Sunday.

I took home 6 meals and some snacks to try out in the mean time.  They were alright.  But I have to admit, I wasn't sticking to a full day of them.  I either ate out one meal or had more treats during the day.  Though I plan to be fully committed to the 21 day challenge.  I was just trying to adjust.

I looked over the menu and prices and in my mind, I thought I would come to the store and 'shop' to collect my meals.  And I would simply only buy 1 'snack' a day to cut expenses, and why do I need to pay $4.00 for a snack bar with all the same elements as a Luna bar that costs $1, or $2.50 for Chobani when I buy it by the case at Costco, OR, $4.75 for a hardboiled egg and some grapes?!  Unfortunately, that is not how it works...

You select 2 specific days per week to pick up your food.  And your food will all be chosen for you.  Of course, in your consultation you can specify items you don't eat or aren't interested in, and can always reach out to the nutrition coach to make changes.  For example- I will let her know not to send me any more Chobani.

The consultation is pretty standard.  Weigh in and measurements, what do you want out of the program.  A review of the My Fit Foods 'bible'.  A review of the basic guidelines and rules, and the supplements and cleansing drinks.  Oh yeah, there's those.

Every morning when you wake up you need to take the My Fit Cocktail.  And twice a day a plethora of supplements.

My Fit Cocktail
4-12 oz of water
4 oz of cranberry juice (My Fit Foods brand)
1 Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg)
1/2 squeezed lemon

It's honestly not awful, but it's not good either.  They say you'll get used to it in 4 days.  I guess we'll see.

The Supplements
Fish Oil
Milk Thistle

And then I was given an additional L-glutamine to cut sugar cravings.

You don't get a discount for the 21 day Challenge and it's not a set price.  You are paying per item.  Though you can set up a house account for various amounts that give you 'money back'  I paid $500 up front and got an additional $25 credit.  The next option was $1000.  From my research it seemed most Texas women spent between $500-$550.  Unfortunately it seems Chicago prices (along with taxes) are up and I'll be spending at least $700.

After the consultation I walked out with all my supplements, cocktail ingredients, and 2 days worth of food for a whooping $152.97.  I'm interested to see what the cost will be for a normal pick up without supplements.

And for my stats: 5'5" and 159 starting weight.  Yuck.

1 comment:

  1. Any update? I just pass a billboard and was doing some research. Did it work? Lost weight? What was the price?
