Monday, July 29, 2013

Home Stretch?

It's Monday of my last week.  Sure doesn't feel like it.  I would expect it would become easier and the weight loss would follow suit, but it seems to be just the opposite. I feel ravenous.  I feel grumpy.  And the scale just piddles about, a little up and a little down.  I've taken to eating my 3rd snack- the protein cookie.  Which my husband calls garbage cookie, because well it smells like it, and I must say it kind of tastes like it.

Falling on my old weight watchers roots I think- why can't I just have a bowl of broccoli?  Or a banana?  I'd take some cauliflower!

It probably doesn't help that it's the week before my period.  I know men couldn't care less, but it does give me bottomless-pit-syndrome.

It doesn't help my last experience with the location was less than stellar.  My husband went to pick up my foods, he came back with 2 bags.  As I unloaded and sorted, I realized I was missing a lot of food.  Food we paid for.  I was annoyed because I didn't even have one full meal (they forgot all snacks) and I would have to get back in my car that's valet parked (I live downtown) just to get my food.  I called and said they must have forgotten a bag.  They said the looked.  They asked me to list of the items I was missing.  They said to come in and they'll take care of it.  A minute later they called me back and asked who picked my food up?  I replied my husband and then they said that they gave him all the food and to speak with him.  I further explained that he gave me the food and I'm still missing food.... They then asked me to read every item off again, which I did.  Then they said they would comp one item.  Then I had to explain that I had already paid of everything.  Then they said they would comp me $5.  Then out of nowhere some guy finally came up and said they found the last bag.  Annoying.

I have been quite religious with the program....aside from 2 flaws.

Flaw #1. I don't eat on their schedule.  I stick to breakfast around 10am, lunch around 1-3pm, snack around 4-5pm, dinner around 6-7pm, and snack around 9pm. 

Flaw #2. I had 2 bites of cake.  On separate occasions.  But I still feel guilty and needed to air it out. 

I don't think these items have ruined the MFFs in, I don't think they caused me not to lose weight or something.

Also, I haven't had a cheat meal.  Which the nutrition coach didn't seem to care about.  But I might have to do that this week...

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