Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Fit Foods Staff

I am currently halfway through the 21 day cleanse.  After an initial 4-ish pound loss, the weight loss has slowed dramatically.  Sometimes going up a few tenths of a pound or down.  I will say that I chose not to have a cheat meal during my first week.  I really wanted to stick with the program and I didn't think a cheat meal would be productive to that in the first week.  I do think this week I might have a cheat meal...maybe sushi?

Anyway, I wanted to talk about the 'support' and customer service from my fit foods staff.  First, the nutritional coach.

MFF Nutritional Coach

So it seems every location has one nutritional coach.  This person isn't a certified nutritionist, or from what I can gather, has any proper training or certificates in nutrition education, other than going through a My Fit Foods training.  I think that's a little concerning.  From when I first went into MFF I met Lauren (their nutritional coach) and said I wanted to start the 21 day challenge.  She let me know she was booked for the day but that I could set up an appointment in a few days- which I did.  When the day came, she called me in the morning to remind me of my appointment- great.  Because I had actually put down a different time in my calendar.  Not sure who was in the wrong.  When I got there, right on time, she asked for my name again.  This immediately annoyed me.  You met me a few days ago, you called me this morning, and I saw you write my name in your calender.  To top it off, WE HAVE THE SAME NAME.  I understand she meets with many people, but just look at your schedule.

Then we sit in her office and I fill out a question sheet, which she then asks me all the same questions even though I wrote down the answers.  And she sits across from me and has her speech memorized, "flip to page 4, that will tell you about x,y,z.  The next page says..." But when it comes to actual feedback to what I say, she has nothing.  I ask if there is a lot of fiber in the meals and she says not really.  I say that's interesting because within 10 mins of eating a meal I have to poop.  She seems totally repulsed and uninterested in that.  Shouldn't she be concerned on how the food affects me?  Thank god I never told her about that time I shit myself...The same with asking her about other supplements and changing the timing of meals and anything else...she can't answer them.  She avoids them.  

So my point is, it seems this person has memorized the MFF bible...that's it.  She's unable to respond to specific situations or answer questions.

Then while going through additional supplements, she recommends one.  Which I later find in my bag...I don't mind but I would have liked a direct question if I do indeed want it.  But, she sends a prescription email that does include my additional supplement as well as my additional snack we had discussed.  Then comes the continuing emails- Day 1, Day 2, Say 3, Day 4, one week, Day 10 (1/2 way).  What annoys me about this is it's just a copy and paste.  Not I'm not expecting something personalized within every sentence.  But it the area that mentions supplements it states "other supplements if recommended" and lists them all and other vague all encompassing statements.  

She did call me at the start of week 2.  I didn't answer, nor am I calling back.  I don't know what she expects me to say.  Any feedback other than, "it's going well" seems to frighten her.

MFF Staff
Every time I go into this place, it's more awkward than the one before.  It seems you either get swarmed with people talking you into a program, or you get flat out ignored.  They are too busy talking to come and grab your prepackaged food.  (Which thank God they go through line by line because every time I've been missing items or had things I specifically did not want and had emailed to state that.)  One time I came in and some charming gentleman introduced himself, asked me how it's going and what have I had to give up for the program.  "Um, life...and a ton of money."  Maybe I'm just awkward and don't know what they are looking for.  Do they expect me to say it's the best thing, that I have so much more energy and sleep so much better?  No, I've lost some weight on your 1,200 calorie diet.  Yesterday when I picked up food I was asked how my day was and I said actually awful.  They inquired why and when I told them I was laid off, just hours earlier....the girl responded that it could be worse, because another man had just came in and he had been laid off on his job, he can't afford his mortgage, and he just lost custody of his child.  Hmm, maybe he could afford his mortgage if he wasn't paying near $1,000 for 3 weeks of food?

This post was more of a rant.  But I just want to warn you- don't expect much from your nutrition coach...and do expect to feel extremely awkward when within the four walls of My Fit Foods.  

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