Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beware of sharts

Gross title.  But I guess I aim to tell the truth.

The food, while certainly edible, isn't exactly amazing.  Everything has this spice to it.  I don't know why my almond crusted chicken needs to be spicy.  I assume it cayenne pepper.  Which is kind of silly to me.  I think the thought process is spicy foods speed up metabolism so lets make everything spicy.  But spices, like ice cold water, BARELY speed up metabolism.  Not enough to make everything have the same underlying spicy taste.    But 'the bible' does suggest drinking water ice, ice cold.


The spices and the massive amounts of supplements do not agree with me.  This is the morning of Day 4.  Yesterday, Day 3, from the beginning I didn't feel so great after my supplements and breakfast.  Prior to my initial meeting I had tried some of the food and when the 'nutritionalist' asked what I thought of it at our consultation- I asked if there was a lot of fiber in the dishes.  She said not really.  I explained nearly 5-10 mins after finishing any dish, I have to poop.  She kind of just ignored my comment.

So yesterday, I had a normal poop after breakfast.  My stomach wasn't feel great.  Then a few hours later while I was standing in my kitchen (thank god I work from home), filling up my water bottle I thought I had a little gas to pass.  But I quickly discovered it wasn't just gas.  This was my first experience with a shart and let me just say, I wasn't thrilled.

The rest of the day my stomach was upset.  Around 1:30 (hadn't eaten since breakfast) I felt a little better and did a Jillian Michaels' workout.  Around 5:30 I had my first snack, and even though it was 'picnic time' (just crackers, cheese, apples, grapes, etc.) my stomach still felt off.  I went to the gym around 8pm and was able to hold strong until about 8:45 when I wasn't feeling great and feared history was going to repeat itself- so I left.

I got home and forced down dinner (Pesto chicken- first thing no spice- thank god!) and a chobani yogurt at my 2nd snack...also as something my stomach knows.  Still all evening I really didn't feel well.

So onward to day 4.  Let's hope today is better.

I got another scale, that should be more accurate.  As my old scale has some shady behavior and only goes to the 1/2 pound, not the 1/10.  But to be consistent with my first weigh in I am continuing with the old red scale.

Starting weight: 159
Day 3 morning weight: 157
Day 4 morning weight: 156

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